Phillip Maxwell

From The Last Dimension
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Phillip Maxwell
[[File: |border |center |220x220px |alt=Phillip Maxwell]]
First Appearance {{{firstappearance}}}
Pronouns He/him
Affiliation Earth
Laire Institute
The Council (Future, as an Aikel)
MIT Squad
Aliases {{{aliases}}}
Biographical Information
Date of birth {{{dateofbirth}}}
Age {{{age}}}
Species Trak
Hair color {{{haircolor}}}
Eye Color {{{eyecolor}}}
Chondria Information
Type {{{chondriatype}}}
Sub-Type {{{chondriasubtype}}}
Chondria Color {{{chondriacolor}}}



Phil is a shy kid who keeps to himself out of fear of his secrets being revealed, but is very bubbly, sarcastic, and mischievous once he opens up. He has an extensive knowledge regarding chemical facts.


  • Shapeshifting

Chondria Abilities

Phillip is an Etumus

Species Abilities

Phillip is a Trak, which seems to grant him abilities beyond those of his Chondria. He is shown to be able to eat extremely acidic fruit with no harm.


Phil turning himself into a parachute

Phillip is able to shapeshifter to appear human. This includes changing his skin and eye colors, as well as the shape of his ears, and making the webbing between his fingers and his tail disappear completely. He does not seem to be able to change the appearance of his teeth or tongue. Shapeshifting takes a lot of energy and he struggles to maintain his appearance when tired. Phillip has also been shown to turn his body into a parachute, and can take on a wispy incorporeal form resembling smoke. Shapeshifting seems to use up mass, requiring Philip to absorb more matter from his surroundings.

Phil can also take on other forms, such as turning into a parachute.

Advanced Transmutation

It is unclear as of yet how much of Philip's ability to transmute things is due to his Chondria and how much is due to being as Trak. Phillip has been shown to be able to break things down to their base components and use those to make new things. He is also shown to be able to store items away, turning them into the same whispy smoke he himself can turn into and making them disappear, before returning the items to their original form with no apparent change to them.

Phillips future version, Menter, is described as 'un-precognizable', meaning that oracles can not forsee events or have premonitions relating to almost anything about him[1]. This does not seem to apply to current Phillip, as Fai has had visions about him and he was part of the prophecy Lokki experienced.



Phil was close friends with Alex at one point, trusting him enough to reveal his true appearance. However, this resulted in Alex lashing out at him and severing their friendship. Alex began to bully Phil along with other students, calling Phil 'Piranha' among other names. Phil seems to still like Alex and want to be friends and their relationship is slowly healing.


Anne cares quite a lot for Phillip and is nice to him, getting worried when she notices that Phillip isn’t responding. In return Phillip often makes note of the fact that Fai and Alex forget the Anne exists early on.


Phillip is cautious when first meeting Susi and doesn’t really talk to her.


Dotsu is one of the people the Phillip first opens up to after only talking to Alex for the last year. Dotsu is also an alien which makes Phillip more comfortable even letting Dotsu bandage his tail after an incident with Jagg and the Paedd crew.


At first Lokki was cold to Phillip but after nearly losing his life to save Phillip he has warmed up some. Phillip on the other hand feels extremely guilty for causing Lokki to be hurt and blames himself for everything.


They both desperately need the clue and have tried to harm each other whenever given the opportunity.
