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Kel Chondria deal with the mind, involving memories, feelings, and life. They are able to see and manipulate Poluk.


Allows the MIT to read minds. This is the most common type of Kel Chondria, and is not very exact unless used by a powerful MIT. Powerful Whisperers can speak in the minds of others, allowing themself to be understood despite language barriers.

Known Whisperers[edit]


On Earth there are only rumors that this Chondria allows the MIT to speak and communicate with spirits. Bridgers are channelers, allowing them to 'bridge' things like energy.

Known Bridgers[edit]


On Earth it is taught that this Chondria allows the MIT to manipulate the substance of ones soul. Molders can heal others by consuming Poluk. Molders can heal fairly severe wounds completely, leaving only a scar[1].

Known Molders[edit]


A rare and very powerful Chondria that allows the MIT to control the minds of others, able to control the persons movements and potentially access their powers as Nimm seems to retains her enhanced strength while controlled by Alex[2].

Known Puppeteers[edit]