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Utso Chondrias give an MIT power over space-time, energy, and matter. There are four main kinds of utso chondrias: "Protei," "Oracles," "Metranteri," and "Etumi." The most telling sign of Utso Chondrias is knowledge about the direction of events and the influencing of those events[1].


Allows the MIT to use their bodies as mediums to transport energy.


Oracles deal with space-time and can see visions of the past, present, and future as well as play with chance. At the most basic, untrained level, oracles experience 'premonitions', or short flashes of what is to come, where to go, or a warning to avoid some danger. Sometimes premonitions manifest as nothing more then a bad feeling.

With training Oracles can gain some level of control over their visions, able to direct them towards a specific question, however they do not seem to be able to change or prevent the events they see in their visions of the future though, at least in Fai's case, they are always there to see the results. Visions are often confusing and full of symbolism that needs to be deciphered to understand them.

Oracles are able to experience prophecies, though at this time it is unclear what the difference between a prophecy and a normal vision is or what the normal method of receiving one is. A quantum sphere can be used to help an Oracle experience a prophecy, and may be used to enhance their abilities in general[2].

Oracles are also capable of creating disks of energy that can be thrown and their movement controlled. These disks can be of seemingly any size, and work as shields, cutting weapons, and can be ridden.

Known Oracles[edit]


Alows the MIT to manipulate space, some may be able to teleport.


Allows the MIT to control matter.

Known Etumi[edit]