Paedd Crew

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Paedd Crew[edit]

The Paedd Crew is a group of Kraitter (and one Poluk Hybrid) who crash landed on Imash years in the past. Their name comes from tower on Paedd Hill, where they made their base. They are all MITs, formerly living in an Institute, and have formed a found family who rely on each other.

They encounter the MIT squad after observing them approaching using tower technology, and attempt a negotiation to use Anne's Poluk supply to help one of their members, Jagg. Despite overcoming the language barrier between English and Meerkle (with Spott's help) and resolving a misunderstanding of Anne's status, the exchange goes wrong when Jagg can't control his Poluk draining, sparking a conflict between the groups that leads to Lokki and Phil being injured, Jagg being corrupted and fleeing, and other consequences that continue throughout Season 2.

Paedd observed the Tsoki Gang's arrival, and refer to them as the 'Tree People', while Tsoki Gang refers to them as 'Tower People.'

Current Members[edit]


An Oracle who tries to use his visions to help his family. Lokki was injured by Jagg during the fight.


An Etumus, Nimm is quick to fight to protect her family, both including Jagg and from Jagg.

Former Members[edit]


After injuring Lokki, Jagg runs away from the group, believing he killed Lokki. He discovers the Clue, and flees from the MIT and Tsoki Gangs at the end of Season 1.


"Went independent" by his own choice, though he still seems to care enough about the group to support them through the negotiations, and then again with finding Jagg.

Deceased Members[edit]


Killed when out looking for food with Jagg. Nimm suspects that Jagg accidentally killed her, but doesn't want to believe it. Anne sees her body as they walk to Paedd Tower. Kuzz was the leader of the group, reliable and strong.