Microcanonical Portal 3

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The portal prviously housed in the lab on the lowest level of Quianto Institute, that the MIT gang travelled through to get to Imash. The portal was a top secret project that was being studied. It was a category 'A' project, meaning only agents and a few 10th grade students were given information on it, and even then the students were not told what it was meant to do.

The Quianto researchers were supposed to report the portal to the council, but chose instead to study it in secret in the hope of advancing humanity. By the beginning of the comic the Quianto researchers had not been able to manage to power the portal.

The portal powered on when Anne was touching it, though why it did is unclear. It pulled poluk from Anne to power itself. When Phillip grabbed Anne to try and pull her away, the portal activated a security measure, sending the kids to Imash before self destructing. It send a message out to Agent Kline's tablet, and attempted to send a message to a Vroshkag(Hwom) but failed.