Lokkist Zurist

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Added by LividJava (talk) 23:34, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
Lokkist Zurist
Lokkist Zurist
First Appearance {{{firstappearance}}}
Pronouns He/him
Affiliation Team Paedd


Tso Latoren
Biographical Information
Date of birth {{{dateofbirth}}}
Age 13
Species Kraitter
Hair color Purple
Eye Color Yellow
Chondria Information
Type Utso
Sub-Type Oracle
Chondria Color Yellow


part of the Peadd Crew



Chondria Abilities[edit]

Lokki is an Oracle, and has displayed all abilities related to that Chondria. Lokki has experienced a prophecy with the aid of the quantum sphere his team recovered from their ship. Lokki seems to have a moderate level of control over his abilities, being able to summon energy disks at will and utilize the quantum sphere, though it is unknown how much control he has over his visions.